Today is the day!

Today is the day that I submit my very last graduate school assignment. I am so excited to be finished and very proud that I was able to accomplish all of this while working 40 plus hours a week and pregnant with twins. Wish me luck as I wait for my final grades! I did what a lot of students do during their undergraduate years and just got by, but for my graduate degree I wanted more and I wanted to know that I could actually do this and do it well. I hope one day that my boys will look to me as an example of the things you can achieve in this world if you just put your mind into it 🙂

Our little introduction!

Now that we are a family of four I have decided that this would be a great time to take on blogging to share our life and our adventures with both our family and our friends and also with those who may relate well to our daily adventures. I have always enjoyed creative writing and now that we have our wonderful twin boys I want to remember these moments with them (they are only this little once, right?). I’m hoping to be able to share our adventures in being first time parents, review products and share recipes we love, and take on challenges and changes!

Now a little bit about us…my husband Eric and I met in January 2010 through friends and while we both were not looking for love at the moment it all just fell into place. We dated and fell in love and I knew that I couldn’t imagine my life without this man by my side. Eric is in the Army therefore he has to move often and 2010 was one of those years so we decided to get married in September 2010 and we began our life as a military family. We knew that we wanted to have children and after two moves and too many months of waiting (more on this in another post) we were truly excited and over the moon to welcome our baby boys Mason and Parker in May 2014. They are so amazing and bring us so much joy, you truly never know the love a parent has for their child until you have a child of your own. We now reside in NC and I have just finished my Masters degree in Early Childhood Education, I’m searching for my dream job but until then I will just enjoy cuddling my babies!

My husband and myself both enjoy photography so I will end our introduction with a few amazing shots (taken by my husband) of our baby boys!

